HIROO > Enrollment Process

Thank you for your interest in ALS Hiroo. The enrollment process is outlined below. Please contact us if you have any queries.

STEP 1. Information session attendance

Please attend one of our monthly open house Saturdays. We can also arrange individual school orientations upon request. Please visit the school to learn more about our educational philosophy and policies.

STEP 2. Free play (individual visit & trial)

We welcome parents and children to visit the school during morning free time and circle time (8:45-9:15). This gives us an opportunity to meet the children and for them to experience the atmosphere of classes and the school firsthand. If a preferred class is full, you can also decide whether you would like to be placed on the Waiting List at this time.

STEP 3. Enrollment acceptance

Once an enrollment date is set, the school will contact you to make an appointment to complete the enrollment procedure. Please prepare your enrollment documents at this stage.

STEP 4. Enrollment procedure (meeting with teacher and principal)

Parents are asked to meet with the principal and class teacher. The principal will provide an explanation of school rules and discuss with parents how to help the child adjust smoothly to school life. (One hour required for enrollment procedure)

STEP 5. Submission of documents after acceptance

Please submit the required enrollment documents if you wish to proceed. An entrance fee is payable upon enrollment.