ROPPONGI > Enrollment Process

Thank you for your interest in ALS Roppongi. The enrollment process is outlined below. Please contact us if you have any queries.

STEP 1. School explanation

Please contact us so we can explain our educational philosophy and policy personally.

STEP 2. School visit

We offer school tours on weekdays at 2:30 PM. You can observe the day’s program, classes, and the atmosphere of the school. After the tour, if you would like sign up onto our waiting list, please fill out the “Wait list registration form.”

STEP 3. Interview

Parents are asked to meet with the principal and class teacher. The principal will provide an explanation of school rules and discuss with parents how to help the child adjust smoothly to school life. (One hour required for this procedure)

STEP 4. Enrollment acceptance

Once an enrollment date is set, the school will contact you. The school will send documents to your home. Please fill out the documents.

STEP 5. Submission of documents after admission acceptance

Please submit the necessary documents for enrollment. Upon enrollment, you are required to pay an enrollment fee and an initial fee.