
Poppins Compliance

Compliance with regulations and company rules

We will thoroughly comply with regulations, social norms, and company rules and respond to any illegal act or breach of rules with a rigorous attitude.

Management of personal and proprietary information

We will strictly handle personal information and proprietary information separately from public information.

Appropriate response to customers’ complaints

We will listen to our customers’ claims, complaints, and opinions with humility and will respond to them with sincerity and promptness based on the rules set by the quality control ISO9001. We will also implement preventive measures.

Promotion of environmental conservation activities

All workplaces will understand the importance of environmental conservation and work diligently to exercise an economic use of resources and eliminate waste on a daily basis.

Prohibition of improper relationship with procurement source

When we choose a vendor from several business partners, we will make a decision to use the most appropriate partner based on a fair comparison and assessment of various conditions. We will prohibit anyone from receiving excessive business entertainment.

Prohibition of transactions with antisocial forces

We will reject any requirements from antisocial forces with a firm attitude, and will not offer any economic benefit, amenity, or reward regardless of the terms.

Prohibition of mixing business with personal affairs

We will use the assets or equipments owned by the company only to make business transactions more efficient and will not use them for a personal purpose. In addition, we prohibit any action to obtain personal benefits by taking advantage of the expenses covered by the company or the position in the company.

Respect for human rights and gender equality

We value diversity management, eliminate any actions violating human rights such as discrimination, sexual harassment, and other harassment in our workplace, and aspire to offer a work environment with a sound judgment regarding gender equality.

Appropriate information disclosure

We will strive to disclose information appropriately and equitably to all interested parties following the disclosure rules under the institutional system, in order for our financial condition and corporate activities to be accurately assessed and understood.

Prohibition of transactions with conflict of interest

We prohibit any action that may conflict with the company’s interest, such as providing the know-how or information to a competitor or leaking information that is beneficial to the company to a third party.

Prohibition of bribery to politicians or public servants

We will maintain healthy relationships with politicians and public servants and prohibit any bribery.